Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hear it on Sunday. Use it on Monday: King of kings

"On His robe and on His thigh He has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." - Revelation 19:16
In yesterday's service we were reminded of Jesus as King. For this post I wish I could recapture the essence of the way the Spirit fell in God's house. It was beautiful. What a simple, yet powerful reminder: Jesus is KING.

Yet, one has to wonder... is He truly King in my life?

1 Samuel 8 gives an account in which the Israelites longed for an earthly king. They rejected God, the King of the Universe and instead desired an earthly king. Upon hearing this we might wonder why anyone in their right mind would chose a fallen substitute for the perfect King--God Himself. Yet many of us find ourselves committing the same grievance. 

We create gods for ourselves, giving out the devotion that rightfully belongs to the True King. We find our identity in people, and other tangible, earthly gods--idols that eclipse our vision from the One True God. At times That which is seen blinds us from the beauty of beholding that which is unseen. 

In the book of Mark when Jesus came to Jerusalem revealing Himself as king, He didn't come on a chariot or a white steed. He road on a donkey. This was to fulfill the prophecy but also to show that He was different from any earthly king. The people  laid their cloaks on the road for Him, and spread branches in His honor. Realizing His majesty, they shouted, "Hosanna in the highest Heaven." 

The word Hosanna isn't just a shout of praise or adoration. In its original Greek context it actually means save; we pray. It is an appeal to God for deliverance. These people knew that Jesus was the answer they had been looking for. He is mighty to save. They bowed on their knees and humbled their hearts before Him {in essence, crowing Him as King}. 

This message was so convicting to me as I remembered my manifest need to bow before the King. In light of this I couldn't help but think of these lyrics and ask myself if I've been living them out... 

"We fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus. The greatness of mercy and love at the feet of Jesus. And we cry Holy Holy Holy, we cry Holy Holy Holy, is the lamb." 

He is King of kings and Lord of lords, but is He my King?  {...Is He your King?} Do the meditations of my heart & the actions in my life reflect that He is King?  Have we been bowing before Him, crying Hosanna, in recognition of His majesty lately? These questions have truly stirred my heart. 
Dear Jesus, to you I cry: HOSANNA! Save; we prayYou are mighty to save, able to deliver, ready to restore. I crown you King, my Lord, my Advocate. You are all I need. No earthly substitute will due. May you also be crowned in the lives of each reader today. AMEN.  
P.S. I leave you with a Christmas song that has been ministering to me: How Many Kings, by Downhere. It's a must hear. {If you can't see the video below, click here}

Bowing before the King...

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  1. What a fantastic song!

  2. We were challenged by the same question, do we worship baby or King? Is Jesus only Savior or is He Lord as well?

  3. I've been thinking a lot about idols in my life lately, so this post especially resonates with me.

    I REALLY like the song, too -- thanks for that!

  4. I don't just want my words to say it, but I want the life I live to prove it - He is King! That song is beautiful!

    So glad I stopped by today!

  5. tcsko, I thought so too! glad you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by!

    Journeytoepiphany, What a great question, is He only Savior or is He Lord. I like that. :) THank you for stopping by. :)

    Michelle, I'm so thankful to hear this resonated with you. Thanks for stopping by and for allowing me to join you in Hear it/Use it!

    Jamie, AMEN sister! I'm right there with you. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Love this song! It is so easy to forget the magnitude of what we are celebrating. So, I love taking time to cultivate awe of the King of Kings who was born to us as a babe. What an amazing God!

    Merry Christmas, friend!

  7. Such a beautiful and timely message! Thank you for sharing:)

  8. I love that you hear it on Sunday and share it on Monday. Can't wait to hear about the New Year's message :). Happy New Year, Monique!

  9. Amen, Jamie! And Merry [belated] Christmas to you too!

    Audry, Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Fawn, the New Year's service was awesome and I just published the post. :) Thanks for stopping in. Getting ready to stop by your place too! :) Happy New Year.


"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24