Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Condemnation vs. Conviction

"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8). 

One of the enemy's biggest tactics in my life has been condemnation. 

Condemnation is "to express strong disapproval of; to demonstrate the guilt of; and to judge or pronounce unfit for use."

Have you ever felt like you were unfit for use? 

I've been there too {...just yesterday, actually.} God's Word reveals that satan accuses us day and night (Revelation 12:10). The enemy works hard at condemning us and convincing us that we are far less than what God sees us as.

Condemnation can be seriously, emotionally, debilitating. It can stop you from moving forward in life. It can cripple you with guilt and shame. It can negatively affect your relationships. It can deceive you into believing that God's grace and mercy is not sufficient for you.

For some of us, condemnation comes by way of other people. For others of us, condemnation comes by way of that little nagging voice that constantly taunts our hearts, reminding us of our failures, and shortcomings. It's unfortunate how many people believe that the condemnation they are experiencing is coming from God. The truth is, God's heart is to restore us, to build us up in Him and to give us hope and a future.

"For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through Him."-John 3:17

God's ultimate desire is to save you, not to condemn you. At times we can confuse condemnation with conviction. God does convict us through the Holy Spirit. Which means, He makes known to us our sin so that we might come into a restored relationship with Him through repentance. But godly conviction is different from the enemy's accusations. So let me outline the difference here...

1. Condemnation brings you down. Godly conviction causes you to rise up.

2. Condemnation cripples you from moving forward. Godly conviction calls you to act through repentance.

3. Condemnation magnifies your shortcomings and doesn't offer you hope. Godly conviction reveals your shortcomings, but offers hope for restoration through Jesus' forgiveness.

4. Condemnation causes negative actions (such as self destructive behavior). Godly conviction causes positive change (such as a renewed connection with God).

5. Condemnation causes self-hatred. Godly conviction reminds us of God's holiness and His incredible love, which is available to us.

The above list has helped me to discern God's voice from the enemy's lies. I hope it might do the same for you. Furthermore, here's some truth to write on your heart...

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." - Romans 8:1

For more on how you have been made righteous through Christ, visit my post on the breastplate of righteousness. :)  If you feel the Holy Spirit convicting you about something, feel free to visit this post on repentance. If you know the enemy has been accusing you, write down Romans 8:1 and post it on your mirror for daily reading. Proclaim God's truth. Quote it to yourself... and to the devil! The next time the enemy reminds you of your past (or present shortcomings), remind him of his future... (Revelation 12:10-11)

God is Love. YOU ARE LOVED!

P.S. Thanks for reading as I preached to myself. ;)

Monique Zackery


  1. Hey there friend. I love how clearly and truly you laid out these differences. I for one can NEVER have this truth underscored and defined in my heart ENOUGH...so thanks for all of it! hugs:}

  2. Aww, thanks for the encouragement, Abby! I love having you stop by here. We truly are kindred spirits. :) You're a blessings and I'm thankful that this post could be a blessing to you as well. :)

  3. Such a great post. I know that it's something that I can relate to. Probably all of us can relate to it. Focusing and embracing the fact that we are loved by God is really what conquers condemnation.

    I appreciated your statement about preaching to yourself. I feel like I'm constantly preaching to myself on my blog! :)

  4. I was clicking randomly through some (in)Courage posts and found your blog. God specifically directed me to this post today for a good reason. It is a blessing that I definitely needed today. Thanks!

  5. Great post, Monique! It is such an important distinction to make between conviction and condemnation. Thanks for laying it out so clearly.

    And I love your blog! You are a wonderful writer!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. I am all to familiar with self-doubt. When I feel unworthy, I must realize I'm looking at me. Instead I should be looking at Him Who works through me and in me. He gives me confidence not in myself but in Him!

    (new follower from (in)courage)

  7. Thank you so much for stopping by, ladies! I'm so thankful for your words of encouragement and wisdom here. And Melanie, it's so sweet that God brought you here for a specific reason! I've also enjoyed stopping by each of your blogs. I'm really loving the building of this online community through encouragement and (in)courage. :)

  8. Romans 8:1 is one of my very favorite verses, because I'm one of those who has that constant inner voice of condemnation.

    Thank you for the reminder. I loved this post!

  9. Condemnation is such a horrible feeling and it's so freeing to know whenever we feel it, it did not come from God. Correction, instruction, help in our decisions come from God...not condemnation. I've found great freedom in knowing that.

  10. Great post! I'm going to add Romans 8:1 to my list of encouraging verses :)

  11. Awesome Monique!! You are right on! I too have struggled with Condemnation in the past!

  12. Monique, I found you over at incourage so stopped in for a visit. This post caught my eye as God has been telling me to put on the robe of righteousness, even if I dont feel worthy He is saying my Son has made you so. I have alsways wondered about the wedding guests who wouldnt put on the robes! I am now a follower. here is my link please visit. http://thebest1-2punchrecipes.blogspot.com/

  13. Thank you so much for your words here, sisters! I've enjoyed reading each of your comments and stopping by each of your blogs as well!

    P.S. Sumi, I clicked on your link but it didn't lead to anything. If you have a site, please feel free to stop back in and leave the link. I'd love to visit. :)

  14. Thanks for sharing this. I needed it today.


  15. Oh Tricia, I'm so glad you came by. Blessed to know you were encouraged. I'm headed over to your place for a visit. :)


"Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." - Proverbs 16:24